Try this delectable combination for another quick, easy and super-nutritious Shrimp and Feta Cobb jar salad that can be prepared ahead of time.


  • 3 t of your favorite salad dressing
  • 8 grape tomatoes
  • 2 T avocados, chopped
  • 2 T cucumber, chopped
  • 1 T red onion, chopped
  • a few handfuls of spinach or romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 2 T crumbled Feta
  • 6-8 cooked shrimp
  • 1 boiled egg, chopped
  • 2 slices of cooked bacon chopped


  1. Layer dressing, tomato, cucumber, onion, avocado, spinach, shrimp, Feta, egg, bacon and lettuce.


Makes 1 mason jar.